Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall means Court Days!

Mt.Sterling has been celebrating Court Days for over 210 years and the tradition will continue October 14th thru October 17th this year.  Court Day has become such a familiar tradition that every time I explain where I'm from people mention "Court Days". Either they've attended Court Days or  heard all about it from friends and family.

The small community works together every year to provide visitiors with the upmost hospitality.  Most Mt.Sterling residents have been making memories at Court Day since they were young children.  Being born on Oct. 19th, I've had the pleasure of celebrating most of my birthdays over Court Day weekend! The birthday money is always spent on Ale-8's, food and random items bought at Court Day.  I can't wait to see what's in store for the upcoming festival!

My Court Day Traditions

1.  Buy an Ice Cold Ale-8 from the MCHS Cheerleaders or the Soccer Team:)

2. Place an order of Fried Veggies. Yum Yum!

3.  Buy some warm socks! Would love to find these at Court Day 2011!

What do you like to do at Court Days?  Do you eat the same food every year or do you try something new?

Please share with us your favorite Court Day memories!


Sassy's Brat Lauren

pictures via pinterest

Monday, September 19, 2011

Manic Monday

"Take that Monday"

"It's just another manic Monday
I wish it were Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday "
(lyrics to Manic Monday by the Bangles)

Hope you've had a very peaceful and easy start to the week. Mine has been interesting to say the least but I have survived and am looking forward to a staying in on this rainy night.   My perfect cure to a rainy Monday is a big bowl of soup paired with a grilled cheese sandwich. :)
What is your favorite cure for a rainy, manic Monday?

Picture via pinterest

Friday, September 16, 2011

DIY Make Up Brush Case


It's here, finally, the weekend!  If you are a KY Fan than you might just be traveling to Lexington to watch the anticipated UK vs U of L Football Game on Saturday.  If I had to travel over the weekend than I would really like to have this cute bag in my luggage!  There will be many weekends away this year and this would be so handy to have on board.  Not to mention, my morning routine would be much more organized, stylish and sanitary (brushes piled in a bag with makeup can't be clean).

I found this tutorial on Pinterest and just had to share!
Click here for the DIY Tutorial.

For those that sew- here's a fun and rewarding creation!
For those that can't - we better start learning!

Sign up now for Sassy Sewing Lessons!
(859) 498-0079


Sassy's Brat Lauren

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ruffles, Stripes & Bows


The weather is getting cooler, the leaves are falling and the amount of time spent at home is sure to increase.  Sadly, we are losing our days of sunshine which means goodbye pool and hello fall!  Approach this year different than last by prepping your household for the upcoming months.   There's nothing like being stuck inside with cabin fever and hating your decor.   Start small by updating your living room with NEW pillows! This is an affordable way to get creative and personalize your home.   These pillows above are sold on etsy

1. Select your fabric
2.  Choose your design
3. Let the sweet Sewing Ladies at Sassy Spratt do the rest!

New seasons = new pillows.

Someone has a birthday coming up and would (wink, wink) really like a green and white stripped pillow with a big bow on top! :)


Sassy's Brat Lauren